Sunday, January 30, 2011

The other night Nina decided to let 'Daddy' knows she loves him by giving him kisses!....and kisses...
and more kisses!

She was quite adorable while doing it, so I had to share my videos with you.
She is going to the vet on Thursday, which she will not be happy about :(
She has a pink spot on her left foot, like a scab, but I worry it can get infected, especially since it hasn't healed much in a long time. She also keeps getting little blood spots in the corners of her eye. The first time I thought maybe she scratched her eye while she had an itch. But then it happened on the other eye as well. It scabs over and heals very quickly but I worry that she's getting blood IN her eyes, so I want to have her checked, especially to make myself feel better. The "fun part" will be getting her to the car easily with all the cold. I think she should be fine.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Bound

So since Nina has never experienced snow, I thought it would be nice to bring her some. I've read about it before on a bunny community I am a member of online. There were some members that fed snow to their bunnies and they loved it. I brought Nina a handful in and she gobbled it up. so after work I decided to get her a bowl full of it and let her enjoy it. It..didn't go as well as I'd though -.-; this video will explain what I mean...

Yeah, so, she's very lucky it was only snow and not something with color in it. She's lucky she's cute.

Friday, January 7, 2011

First post of the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
Well, I guess my new resolution should be to update this blog! Wow, it's been a very long time, I apologise.
Anyway, Nina was been adorable, as always ^^
I went out and got her a ton of new toys and such for her to play with. She, unfortunately, ate through her green paper bag she loved, but my mother gave her a new purple one that she is slowly tearing into. She also has a tunnel --------------------------------------->
My friend Kara suggested buying it for her one day while we were at Walmart. It has pieces of Velcro so I can attach others to it if I want to. She loves the thing! She sleeps in it, hides in it, eats in it, etc. And she looks so cute inside it ^^
In 3 months she will be 2 years old! She is getting to be a big girl! We tried playing with snow for the first time. I will have to post the video of that on the next post because it's pretty funny.
Looking into a bigger cage for her. She's getting a bit bigger and now that she has new toys in her cage, she needs a bit more leg room so we'll be looking for a new cage.
Anyway, Happy New Year from Nina!!