Tuesday, June 15, 2010

TV Bunny

"This thing is FASCINATING!"

Nina Loves watching television, which I find so funny coming from a rabbit. I started keeping it on originally for her so she wasn't so lonely, even though rabbits love the quiet. My father kept yelling at me to turn off the TV until I started telling him I left if on for Nina. He told me one night that if he went down the hall and she wasn't looking at it I had to keep it off. So off he goes down the hall to my bedroom, looks in my room and stops. He then turns to me after a minute and goes "...she's actually watching TV" ^_^

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Some Down Time

The little furball can't get enough of being out of her cage, and she's quite adorable running around the room. But she also seems to enjoy just being able to lay down outside of her cage, where she has freedom. Her new thing now is that she will lay down in between your hands so long as you continue to pet her. But upon laying down I decided to sit beside her and Justin took this picture:

She's too adorable for words ^^ *cuddles the rabbit*
I definitely want to keep having rabbits as pets. They're too much fun, and theyre not as messy as dogs or cats can be...well, not that i've seen so far ^^